

15個月大的安安總是忙碌的探索世界,現在他的 favorite toy 排行榜是

  1. 手機/電話
  2. 遙控器
  3. 相機




玩具電話、玩具相機和沒電池的仿冒品他都不要 (越來越難騙了, 真糟!!)因為他已經自己成功摸索出如何打開電視,如何撥出電話,還有如何在相機裡看圖片,甚至還把相機裡的影片給我delete掉過 (!!!!)


他總是對大人手上的東西充滿好奇,對於自己的玩具卻是興趣缺缺,除非大人撩下去跟他一快瘋,他才會跟回到一歲的年紀去玩屬於他的玩具,當然,這個重責大任就非安安爸莫屬啦~ !




15個月大的安安肢體動作越來越靈活,也越來越喜歡探險,所以我們最近給他添購的玩具有籃球架,還有朋友給的tunnel,這個tunnel 安安還蠻喜歡的,據朋友說還可以tent接起來,以後安安大一點後會更愛。


安安現在也終於能夠坐下來看一會電視 (雖然一樣不喜歡看baby Einstein) ,現在的favorite video都是音樂性比較強的,像是HBO 出的Classical Baby - Music, Art & Dance 還有Scholastic storybook treasures 系列.  


影片裡的背景歌曲是 He's Got the Whole World in His Hand, 這是是一首黑人福音歌曲,Scholastic Storybook treasures 也有收錄這首歌,影片一開始下雨和最後看月亮的片段都是截自DVD. 歌曲非常好聽,歌詞也很簡單,連我這個腦殘的媽媽聽了幾遍之後也能馬上朗朗上口,安安聽到我們唱這首歌時還會一直拍手打拍子喔@@ 強烈推薦給大家!!!


He's got the whole world in His hands,

He's got the whole world in His hands,

He's got the whole world in His hands,

He's got the whole world in His hands.


He's got my brother and sisters in His hands,

He's got my brother and sisters in His hands,

He's got my brother and sisters in His hands,

He's got the whole world in His hands.


He's got the sun and the rain in His hands,

He's got the sun and the rain in His hands,

He's got the sun and the rain in His hands,

He's got the whole world in His hands.


He's got the moon and the star in His hands,

He's got the moon and the star His hands,

He's got the moon and the star in His hands,

He's got the whole world in His hands.



He's got the wind and cloud in His hands,

He's got the wind and cloud in His hands,

He's got the wind and cloud in His hands,

He's got the whole world in His hands.


He's got river and mountain in His hands,

He's got river and mountain in His hands,

He's got river and mountain in His hands,

He's got the whole world in His hands.




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